Friday, April 1, 2016


My Spring Break by Harley H.

Image result for fluThe first part of my break was spent in my bed.
I slept all day; I was sick with the flu.
For two days, I had an ache in my head.
It kept getting worse; all I was, was blue.

After  the worst day, the flu went away.
That same day, I felt like I hit a wall.
In  a few days I was feeling okay.
Later I felt like I was standing tall.
Image result for ruby mountain colorado
We went hiking Tuesday, Ruby was fun.

The climb was amazing yet exhausting.
On that hike, I decided to run.
When I got home I ate cake with frosting.

I'm glad I went hiking , it was the best.
After a day of fun, its now time to rest.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Harley,
    Your poem is poetic,
    You must have been energetic,
    Your rhyming is so fine,
    I loved reading every line.
